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Showing posts with the label get rid of stuttering

Simple and Effective Tips to Stop Stuttering

You will be surprised to know that nearly one per cent of the total world population stutters. Stuttering is a condition for which there is no medical cure and more men than women tend to get affected with this. There are various methods that can be learnt, that will help you get rid of it and allow you to speak fluently. The condition normally starts from childhood and as one progresses into adolescence, it disappears. But if you are not among the fortunate where the stuttering disappears on its own there, are techniques that will teach you to overcome this problem. Let us look at some simple and interesting tips on how to stop stuttering Did you know that singing the words, rather than trying to speak, helps stop stuttering. You might think of it as a weird idea but when you practice it, you will be surprised at the effectiveness. You can get a book and try reading from it, to your family and friends. It will help boast your confidence levels and with practice your stamme...