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Showing posts with the label recycle paper

How to Recycle Paper

How to recycle paper? Before we answer this important question, let us provide you with some useful information. Every ton of paper, which is recycled, you will be able to save 17 trees from destruction. In our quest to manufacture more paper we are destroying forests at a fast rate. A simple decision to use less paper can help save our forests and the beautiful animals that make it their home. Now isn't it great! Imagine the number of trees, which can saved when individuals, companies and countries adopt this easy but great "Go Green Initiative". This amazing step can make a big difference to our environment. Nearly one third of landfills are made up of paper, which could have been effectively recycled. Is there a particular kind of paper, which alone can be recycled? You can recycle almost any kind of paper. The impact of recycling paper on the environment is enormous. Paper is primarily made from trees and when you start recycling, you will save trees. When tree...