What Do You Need To Know About Getting Your House Ready for Rent Did you know that you could fix up your house with very little money? Depending on the condition of your house, you would be able to get the rooms ready in your vacant house on your own. This can be done irrespective of the size of the house. If you are unable to get things fixed on your own, you can hire a carpenter for minor work. Four Amazing Tips for Converting Your Bedroom into Rooms for Rent A door and a keyed locked entry are the basic things that a bedroom needs. Living rooms, dining rooms and family rooms can also be easily converted into bedrooms. It would be advisable to prepare these rooms too for converting into bedrooms. A very simple way to pay for the cost would be to rent the bedroom that has already been completed. You can partition the section that has been completed and secure it with a door and a keyed lock. This ensures privacy and safety. Bed, dresser, fire alarm, lock, and key are ...