A good credit score is important if you want to get a loan or credit card. Credit agencies provide different scores to individuals based on past payment history. The payment history could reflect payments that you made on your credit card, collections, mortgage loans and foreclosures.
The credit score is usually 300 - 900 and depending on your score, you are classified as low risk or high risk. Lenders use these scores to decide whether you qualify for a loan. The terms and conditions of the loan are decided based on your individual credit score.
As credit scores are so important they should be accurate but you may be surprised to know that most credit agencies tend to make mistakes when preparing these important reports. When there is inaccuracy in the report it can affect the ability of the individual to get loans on favorable terms and conditions.
Although most of us assume that reports prepared by the credit agencies are accurate there are significant errors in it and these can translate into a 50 - 100 point error in the report. Due to no fault of your own you may be denied access to credit and may have to pay higher interest rates.
Why it is important to review your credit report periodically?
It is important that you review the report at frequent intervals as it can affect whether you are able to get a loan and how much interest you have to pay for it. This can also ensure whether the information available is accurate and up to date. It can help prevent identity theft too as there are many hackers who may use the information on your credit report to apply for a new credit card.
Disputing errors on your credit report
If you find errors on your credit report it is best to contact the credit agencies so that they can be corrected at the earliest. The agencies are supposed to investigate and make the necessary corrections so that your credit score does not get affected adversely. If you are not satisfied with the dispute investigation you can ask for a statement of the dispute so that you are able to take remedial measures and ensure that your credit scores do not slip into the negative range.
A mistake on your report can cause a lot of damage and it is best to sue the agencies if you are not satisfied with their services.
You can visit www.xpedientfinance.com if you want to know more about the mistakes that credit agencies make in preparing credit report.