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Showing posts from December, 2015

Are juveniles above the law?

The release of the juvenile who was responsible for the rape and murder of Nirbhaya or Jyoti Singh clearly indicates that you can get away with anything if you are a juvenile. You can rape, murder, steal, bomb a city and yet get away with the minimum amount of punishment because the law recognizes you as a child who has gone wayward and is not adult enough to commit a crime. Justice and punishment should be equal for all irrespective of age. When you are old enough to rape and murder women in cold blood then you are old enough to face the consequences of the crime you had committed. Image the pain and suffering that the parents of Jyoti Singh must be going through at this moment watching the man who killed their beloved daughter ruthlessly walk free. The judicial system of India has many flaws and yet it has performed to the best of its limited abilities. But today is a black day for the judiciary. It has failed in its duty to deliver justice to all. The judiciary has failed ...

What are the types of brain tumor – symptoms and treatment phases?

Brain tumor is a disease that refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the tissues of the brain. They can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). Both malignant and benign tumors have symptoms and they need treatment. They can occur in both children and adults.              There are many types of brain tumors and they can form in different parts of the brain. When a tumor grows and presses on a specific area of the brain, it can stop that part of the brain from functioning in an effective manner. One of the important things that you need to remember is that some tumor locations may cause more damage than the others and they may also be harder to treat. Types of brain tumor Grade I – This is a separate group of tumors commonly known as juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA). Juvenile does not refer to the age of the patient but a type of cell. It includes lesions with low proliferative potential. The...