Is Premature Ejaculation Stealing Your Satisfaction? Top 10 Ways to Last Longer in Bed

Is Premature Ejaculation Stealing Your Satisfaction? Top 10 Ways to Last Longer in Bed

Image Credit: Pixabay

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual concern that affects many men worldwide. It can lead to frustration, embarrassment, and dissatisfaction in relationships. If you’re struggling with PE, you’re not alone, and there are effective strategies to help you last longer in bed.

Here are the top 10 ways to combat premature ejaculation and enhance your sexual satisfaction:

1. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety are significant contributors to premature ejaculation. Practising relaxation and mindfulness techniques, including meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation, reduces anxiety and improves sexual performance.

2. Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels)

When you strengthen the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels, you get better control over ejaculation. The floor exercises involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles, which helps stop urine flow. Regular practice can lead to improved power and longer-lasting performance.

3. The Pause-Squeeze Technique

Developed by sex therapists, the pause-squeeze technique involves stimulating the penis until you’re close to ejaculation, then pausing and gently squeezing the tip of the penis until the urge subsides. Repeating this process can help you gain better control over ejaculation.

4. Use Condoms

Condoms can reduce sensitivity, which may help delay ejaculation. The specially designed condoms contain numbing agents like benzocaine to help further prolong intercourse.

5. Change Positions

Certain sexual positions can help delay ejaculation by reducing stimulation. Experiment with different positions to find those that allow you to last longer. Slower, more controlled movements can also help manage arousal levels.

6. Desensitizing Products

You can apply topical anesthetic creams and sprays to the penis to reduce sensitivity. The desensitizing products are effective in delaying ejaculation. Do use them as directed to avoid numbing your partner.

7. Mental Distraction Techniques

Distracting yourself with non-sexual thoughts can help delay ejaculation. While this method might seem counterintuitive, focusing on something mundane or slightly less arousing can give you the extra necessary time.

8. Communicate with Your Partner

Open and frank communication with your partner about your concerns and strategies can improve your sexual experience. Working together to find solutions and exploring mutual satisfaction can reduce performance pressure and enhance intimacy.

9. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and limited alcohol consumption can positively impact sexual performance. Good overall health contributes to better control and endurance.

10. Consult a Professional

If premature ejaculation is a problem, consulting a healthcare professional or a sex therapist will help provide tailored solutions and treatments. The physician will help identify underlying causes and recommend appropriate therapies, such as behavioural therapy or medications.


Premature ejaculation is an issue that affects your sexual satisfaction and relationship quality. Follow these simple strategies to improve your control over ejaculation and enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Be patient and persistent, as improvements may take time. If necessary, seek professional help to address this issue effectively. You deserve a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience, and taking these steps can help you achieve it.

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