Why Should Parents Be Aware Of Childhood Disorders
A person's childhood is the most beautiful aspect of life. Most of us associate health problems and disorders with adult life but a number of children are also affected. There are a number of childhood disorders that are not detected till adult life as most parents do not pay attention to them. Most of the symptoms associated with this disorder look as normal aspect of growing up and importance is not given to identify the tell tale signs of it.
These disorders could be physiological, physical, emotional and mental. A child which was perfect in the initial couple of years could suddenly develop what is known in medical terms as childhood disintegrative disorder. The exact cause for this is yet to be determined but it has been found to be linked to neurological problems. This condition mostly affects children in the age group of 3-4 years.
Some of the symptoms include
- Inadequate social skills,
- Inability to control bowel and bladder movement
- Unable to use expressive or receptive language,
- Inability to develop peer relationship,
- Unable start or continue with a conversation.
Most parents when they come across such symptoms in their child, initially think of it as shyness but if the symptoms continue for a prolonged period of time it is time to sit up and take notice.
These disorders can be treated if diagnosed at the correct time. The treatment could vary from one child to the other. Most childhood disorders can be termed as behavioral while others can be termed as brain based disorders.
Nearly all such disorders fall within the two categories of behavioral or brain. The brain based disorders are mostly caused due to neuro-chemical problems while the behavioral disorders are due to emotional stress or anxiety that a child undergoes due to a number of reasons.
The most common reasons for emotional stress could be due to divorce of parents, relocation from a particular school or area, bullying at school, peer pressure and loss of pets.
Some of the most common childhood disorders found in children are
- Separation disorder,
- Depression,
- Bipolar disorder,
- Anxiety disorder,
- Autism,
- Learning disability,
- Adjustment disorders and
- Oppositional defiant disorder
You will be surprised to find most of these disorders can occur in adults too. The reason for this could be attributed to these disorders not been properly diagnosed during the early years of childhood.
All of these childhood disorders can easily be cured through counseling, drugs and lots of LOVE.